Thursday, February 11, 2010

Proshow 2.6 Serİal

What goes through my head

Every time I see photos of girls as beautiful as they are, skinny, with a beautiful face and visibly perfect physical trace is difficult not to feel bad next to them.


I always find myself thinking, "Well I am not so beautiful face (I'm not cute) and I'm fat, so at least I'd be skinny and start dieting exercises, other things I think is "between me (I'm a cow) and other girls I always see where I go (which are thin and beautiful, usually) who would choose a guy, and deep inside of me is the damn answer, and of course do not have to be smart, will choose the other, the most beautiful, with a beautiful body. " Another thing that comes to my mind are the clothes, "a thin person who does not have a roll in the belly, can be anything, anything, if everything is all good, however my not I have a pos rolls around, whenever I have to go looking for clothes in my size (I'm not super super fat, but if I am a little fat). I have to find shirts that are loose me, and I do not like me the damn panzota, ahhh, and always have to be T-shirts, as they have sleeves, because I have some awfully big arms. And the jeans and I do not want to use them, I always leave the rolls, sucks. "YA

NI I want to look in the mirror, I JUST WANT TO DO WHEN weighing 50 kg.

AT THIS TIME I AM WEIGHING 62 kg or thereabouts.

I need more time but I will try to lose 10 kg in two weeks. But it is not easy, because if so we would all beautiful in 1 or 2 months, right?

Life is a little difficult, especially for us who suffer (usually) of these thoughts daily. But luckily for us we have to support us.

I can only say; "Someday."

"Someday they say, have that perfect figure "

" Un jour, disent-ils, ont ce chiffre parfait "(French)

















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