Notice "O Commander Irigoyen (A-1) , service radiated by the Armada Argentina the September 25, 2009 , has a small space, where he paid tribute in the Museum Submarine Force of Mar del Plata .
Photo 1. Detail photo of the former Commander ARA Irigoyen (A-1) on display at the Museum (Museum of Submarine Force of Mar del Plata - Author: M. Agostini)
The ship was converted floating museum in the month of May last year following an agreement signed between the Navy Argentina and Municipality of San Pedro , the district in which is currently tied to fulfill this function and cultural history.
Under an old photo mural of the ship sailing with the registration "IPSM Costa Atlantica" (acronym for International Society Plastic modellers), a box relates the characteristics of the ship and its history in the Navy. Literally transcribed the text below.
Photo 2. Dedicated to the notice Sector Commander ARA Irigoyen (A-1) (Museum of Submarine Force de Mar del Plata - Author: M. Agostini)
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ARA "Comandante General Irigoyen"
Type of ship: Tug , then "message" Other names: ex USS Cahuilla "- ATF 152 Place Built: Shipyard" Charleston SB & DD.Co "in 1942.
Ship Data. Length: 65m Height: 3.1m Beam: 12.2 m half Draft: 5m Displacement: 1675 tons
Twin "Comandante General Zapiola" characteristic "R-40" and after 1963, "A-1."
The July 9, 1961 , San Diego, California, is making the change of flag the ship. Enlisted in large part by its crew, and put in a moderate sea, set sail from San Diego, California, in convoy with the "Comandante General Zapiola" Oct. 18, bringing the two to tow the floating dock "Y-1" . , Buenos Aires December 17, 1961 after have passed the Pacific to the Atlantic Ocean.
received the Hall of War hands of Lady Amalia Saavedra Irigoyen Clement, representing the direct descendants of the Navy Commander Dan. Matías de Irigoyen.
In 1962 is classified as "Ocean Tug" and in 1965 it is classified as "Notice" and assign the characteristic "A-1."
In 1966, his command is exercised by Lieutenant Commander D. Carlos L. Irigoyen. Given here a unique case in the Navy: Ship and Command with the same surname.
Action in the Beagle
given the situation in 1967 resulting from the disregard of the sovereignty of Argentina in the Beagle , by units the Chilean Navy, set sail Nov. 28 from Ushuaia and operate in its waters, reaffirming the indisputable rights of our nation, coming to use their weapons in this operation.
In the summer of 1989 participated in the rescue of Polar Transport Ship ARA "Bahía Paraíso" in Antarctica Argentina .
is the first Navy ship of that name, in memory of the Commanding General of Marine, D. Matías Irigoyen y de la Quintana, a distinguished marine veteran of Trafalgar, which was independent at the time Commander of Navy, reaching the highest military rank.
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Photo 3. Pavilion chest with the announcement War Commander ARA Irigoyen. As the board at the bottom reads "The latter was donated by the descendants of Major General IRIGOYEN, assuming his representation Mr. Admiral Gaston C. Clement, November 26, 1962. (Museum of Submarine Force de Mar del Plata - Author: M. Agostini)
Editor's Note: omitted in the previous review any mention of their naval operations during the Falklands War in 1982 where tasks mainly involved in SAR (Search And Rescue) in the Teatro Operations of the South Atlantic (TOAS) . For these actions, not officially recognized by the Navy Argentina, the crew then searches receive recognition as "war veterans" .
Photo 4. The Raytheon radar belonging ARA the notice Irigoyen Commander is the other element of the ship on display in the Plaza de Armas the Museum of Submarine Force de Mar del Plata (Author: 3-A-202 climbed to www.zonamilitar. com)
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