Friday, March 20, 2009

Christmas Wish For Ex Lover

Esta receta es de Jamie Oliver, el cocinero inglés, y está riquísima. Él dice que es la verdadera carbonara según se lo habían dicho en Italia. Es muy rápida de hacer y está muy buena.

INGREDIENTES para 2 o 3 personas
200 gr. de macarrones
1 calabacín
1 tetrabrick de nata para cocinar (el pequeño de 200 ml.)
Un trozo de queso parmesano
Una yema de huevo por cada persona
Pimienta molida

Lo primero es poner a cocer los macarrones en agua con sal.

Meanwhile, in a hot pan without oil, add the bacon cut into strips and fry to release the fat and cold.

Meanwhile wash the zucchini and cut into diagonal strips, about the same size as the zucchini. And add the bacon. We took quite thyme and freshly ground pepper (you must be a bit spicy).

In a bowl, add two egg yolks (one per person), cream and plenty of freshly grated Parmesan cheese (a handful, more or less the same amount of cream) and mix well.

When zucchini is al dente, add the macaroni, drained (save a little cooking water, three or four tablespoons for later).

aside the pan off the heat and when I stop the crackling sound of frying add the cream and three tablespoons of cooking water that we saved. We give a few laps and we put the fire about five minutes over low heat stirring constantly. And you're ready to eat.

And closer ...


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