Saturday, March 13, 2010

Erial Kez Do Mount A Blade 1.011

Beauty Miscellaneous topics: Sadness, Cielo Latini, Thinspiration.


Lately I've been a bit sad about various personal issues I had, luckily and resolved. And I I asked a question why the hell I have to be depressed? and not only I but all of them because if something happens to us, we bowed our heads and we start to get depressed mourn or wrong. I think a smile from time to time give us one more day of life. I tell you from experience, and the life I lead (which is not as good, but there are worse).

My mom is very ill, she always makes me sad to think that you can die at any time and see how it breaks down slowly. I remember as a kid, as he fought with Dad (not physically, my dad always respected and who loved her very much) got angry and wanted to go. One day she attempted to leave and my dad stopped, became angry and went to the kitchen and wanted to cut the veins, but Dad did not leave. Today is so sick to work, you feel bad all the time, he has a headache, kidneys, intestines of being killed, he always felt was wrong and then, but lately more followed, and I reminded that any time is not going to be. All you wanted from me and my brother was a high school diploma (my mom was so poor, working since childhood and never went to school), my brother left the university, so it is me and hopefully I can meet my title.

My dad is very left, during my 18 years of life did not get very fond of him, although he loves me, but him, I have more present your wallet, your presence.

My brother lives with his wife and son in another house and when time comes and I have to talk to him or spend time as your child is very young and has to be constantly addressing, I think I'll be able to talk with him when I have 25 years.

And my uncle ... here I threw the bomb ... I do not remember when it was or how old he was when it happened, just know it happened ... that old filthy fingered me and I better not count because it's disgusting, lucky that I have never beyond me raped or something. But it was not the only one I did that, when he 10 years (I think) also had an old green-thumbed me wrong, but I know how shitty it was if I did not even know anything about me? It also happened with another relative. I always say to me that I'm bad, a witch, a bitter, and I tell myself: if I were poor I would have ruined the lives of these two sons of bitches who are my family, but I did a cagarles reason life to them because they have a daughter / o.

If I talk to my dad my uncle lay off (as my dad used, and always defends him like a saint), and return to the street where it came from, you will learn more if they could not take her daughter Vacation as always ago. Ahhhhh and also the chance always loses money before the holidays, and as my dad is good about it is the asshole, looking for his wallet and gives the money he "lost" (eye my father is not rich or anything style, has what it takes to live.)

But I'm not spiteful, it's forgive him and he somehow regretted, but sometimes do not think so. And my other family if I asked for forgiveness. And here is, is that bitch is bad, witch and bitter, silent mouth to not ruin anyone's life because mine is ruined. Before I could hardly put it mourn, now or cry, because it happened, I'm no baby traumatized or anything style, and exceeds it and you can see I'm standing. Perhaps what happened to me strengthened me and nurtured me, I'm more alert and armed.

And the rest of my family ... My aunt moneybags

having an affair.

Another is half witch.

Another is drunk.

Some do not respect their mother (my grandmother).

And if I did not finish more. But as I said, I stand here, thank God, not traumatized. I'm not saying that sometimes I feel bad for what happened to me, but as written "and step". And wanting to go on living, thinking about the future planning. And if I

going through all this I can smile, I think you can Long a smile once in a while. Think that life is not only ana and mia, which can become more, improve, have goals, let's put our ass on a chair and watch TV, you have to thrive and I look forward to. Do not let the bad times the / arrested.

There is a part of a song by Ricardo Arjona, I think it is "Life is in mourning" ... in one part says "that is saved is smart, fuck you fuck" At that time I then try to be us the crafty. I have lived a lot in my short 18 years and I still need more, and I'm not going to hell, because I know I can be more certain that you too and hope that so we can give more.

There is a very nice movie I saw that I recommend is called "Happiness brings good luck" or in English "Happy"


Today was on the internet and spending time in one of those entered to YouTube and was watching the interview that he had made Chiche Gelblung Cielo Latini (the one that wrote the book Abzurdah). In one part Chiche Cielo Latini says:

Chiche - Some say you're a traitor for revealing .... of bulimia and anorexia.

Sky - Some, some of the girls themselves, who are sick call me a traitor.

PERDÓNNNNNNNNNNNNN! I'm not sick, I'm totally fine. That phrase of "sick" of recontra unworthy. And at times like this I wonder

is it true that there was an anorexic and bulimic for real?

Or it was only a moment or a stage of rebellion?

or is it more like some one I wanted but was never a true friend of ana or mia?

For me it's the third option, Sky never appreciate his friendship with ana and mia. It was just a whim, I just wanted to be noticed to worry about her, and cuddle more. If some how the report says. I just think it was the passion of the moment as when we bought new clothes, we see and admire, then we use it and leave it and want something new. It's that simple.

For those who want to see the story I leave the page here: 1 ° 2 °

http : / /

3 °


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